This blog was launched on 21st Oct 2012 to commemorate Mission Day on 13th day of 9th lunar month (27th Oct 2012)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Why the Mission cannot depend on the many?

Bo Tien Temple Outreach No 10

The mission to save souls is the mission of God. Lord Bo Tien is the messenger and the means to effect this is through religions and sects of the world. The mission is for all beings, men included. The mission is the mission of Heaven.
The mission cannot depend on men alone because many men are more interested in furthering their own agenda and are often preoccupied with the irritations of interpersonal nature. These will take precedence somehow over practise and sharing of the inner  and basic doctrine common and behind all religions - that there is God and saints and the way to save souls and be with God through balance of life contingencies - the yin (passive) and the yang  (active) forces.
Men tend to put other men down in order to make themselves feel good. Not only do they want to put others down, at times they want to put them out of their way. In the process, they create issues.
Thus the lord saint did comment that the issues of men are many and plentiful. He also did say the Mission is the mission of Heaven and cannot depend on men except for a handful.
Though the Mission need a handful of good men, to facilitate, it will always be the duty or responsibility of Heaven --- the mission by Heaven. Many men go for trifle matters and make mountains out of mole hills. They are lost and constipated by trivialities  and mundanes of life. 
The mission cannot be by men and cannot wait for the many near to Him in temples and churches to wake up and be ready. Tuft guarding is a territorial animal instinct and man is not spared from this instinct. When will more men rise above this and be like the saints?

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