This blog was launched on 21st Oct 2012 to commemorate Mission Day on 13th day of 9th lunar month (27th Oct 2012)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Why the Mission cannot depend on the many?

Bo Tien Temple Outreach No 10

The mission to save souls is the mission of God. Lord Bo Tien is the messenger and the means to effect this is through religions and sects of the world. The mission is for all beings, men included. The mission is the mission of Heaven.
The mission cannot depend on men alone because many men are more interested in furthering their own agenda and are often preoccupied with the irritations of interpersonal nature. These will take precedence somehow over practise and sharing of the inner  and basic doctrine common and behind all religions - that there is God and saints and the way to save souls and be with God through balance of life contingencies - the yin (passive) and the yang  (active) forces.
Men tend to put other men down in order to make themselves feel good. Not only do they want to put others down, at times they want to put them out of their way. In the process, they create issues.
Thus the lord saint did comment that the issues of men are many and plentiful. He also did say the Mission is the mission of Heaven and cannot depend on men except for a handful.
Though the Mission need a handful of good men, to facilitate, it will always be the duty or responsibility of Heaven --- the mission by Heaven. Many men go for trifle matters and make mountains out of mole hills. They are lost and constipated by trivialities  and mundanes of life. 
The mission cannot be by men and cannot wait for the many near to Him in temples and churches to wake up and be ready. Tuft guarding is a territorial animal instinct and man is not spared from this instinct. When will more men rise above this and be like the saints?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Discussion on the missing / misplaced 1979 message

Bo Tien Temple Outreach No 9

The novel of the Journey to the West of China namely India is legendary depiction of the spiritual fault lines of every man's search for divine doctrine. It is an account of the pilgrimage to India by the monk Xuanzang (Sam Chong) from the Great Tang Records on the Western Regions. The monk travelled during the Tang Dynasty to obtain sacred texts.  There is actually a historical personality of Xuanzang during the Tang era. Part of the scriptures were lost and many were not well translated or even if translated, many salient pointers were left out.
In 1984, Lord Bo Tien referred to the problem of missing scriptures and pointers even in the doctrine messages he had passed to men at His temple. One message that went missing was the 1979 message but word of mouth versions differ.
Fortunately the 1979 message was touched in in summary in the 1980 message by Lord Bo Tien before He proceeded to the 1980 message proper. This reflects on the foresight of the lord saint.
In the year 2000 publication LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE, the 1980 message was edited from the original historical scripts translated from Hokkien dialect to English. Even then it was edited in such a way that there was change of the message though semblance of the message still remains and the paraphrased message by inner truth netizen 1 and 2 were like it or not based on the message in the book.
Luckily the late Senior Brother appended the historical versions of the messages by the lord saint in his first draft book My Interpretation of LORD BO TIEN'S MESSAGES which he dedicated it to be named as LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE which saw the light of day only years after his death. The paragraph below is from the 1980 message in the appendix at back of Chong Sim's draft book

In 1980, Lord Bo Tien "referred to His previous year's message about a lone tree planted in a plot of land. Because of its survival due to the water that is beneath this tree had enabled it to survive and blossom in full bloom. The beautiful garden it had now created had given a feeling of pleasantness, harmony and serenity, once people stepped into this garden. The many grating towards this big tree had enabled other people to nourish its knowledge of survival." Historical version of the 1980 anniversary message of Lord Bo Tien    
Let us now compare with the version found in the book LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE. The paragraph quoted below is part of the 1980 message on page 27 of the book.

"He then recapitulated His last year's message about a lone tree planted in a plot of land. As there was water beneath the tree, it survived and blossomed. The beautiful garden that it was part of, has created an atmosphere of pleasantness, harmony and serenity. The transition to this big tree had enabled other people to cherish its knowledge of survival."

The version by inner truth netizen based on this was even more way of the mark though it does convey the same meaning that men must be deep rooted so as to be able to be nourished by the water of truth in both good and bad times. That way men will blossomed in peace and joy at all times and are not affected or at least less affected by contingencies of life which sages refer to as the yin and yang.  (Do avail yourself with the version by inner truth netizen Lord Bo Tien's 1980 Anniversary Message  and you will realise how it is way off the mark though the meaning conveyed is similar but still off the mark.)

The original and earlier version found in Chong Sim's book better conveyed the meaning that the tree is more deep rooted than the plants and flowering shrubs around it but come drought, only the tree with deep roots to reach underground water is able to do well whilst the shrubs and plants around it wither. This deeper meaning was pointed out to inner truth netizen by Elder Ling in phone conversation on 11th December 2012.

The lesson from the 1979 message is that any temple or man be deeply rooted in doctrine like the big tree with deep roots. But with the missing 1979 message, we can only get a summary of it in the 1980 message and of the three versions of the 1980 message, the earliest version in Chong Sim's draft book was best in portraying this lesson as it is like the upper source of a stream. Historical version of the 1980 anniversary message of Lord Bo Tien    

We must go for the upper source of a stream if we want unpolluted water. Let men go to the early and basic teachings of a religion if they want to understand more. This was stressed in the 1984 message of the lord saint. Historical version of 1984 birthday eve message of Lord Bo Tien Chor Choo at Philip's residence...

"He ... says that water from the upper source of a stream is pure and clear. When it reaches mid-way of its course , the water will be polluted by many users. If we want pure and clear water, then we have to go to the upper, then we have to go to the upper source of the stream to get it."


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Historical version of the 1980 anniversary message of Lord Bo Tien

Bo Tien Temple Outreach No 8

Unabridged reproduction of the message translated from Hokkien dialect on the day of the message.  This version was obtained by late Senior Brother Tay Chong Sim and published as appendix in his first draft book My Interpretation of LORD BO TIEN'S MESSAGES. Only 108 copies of the book distributed. Elder Ling had one copy which was made available to inner truth netizen. Blogger has refrained from changing the sometimes broken English and wrong grammar. Please compare with the paraphrased version based on the highly edited version in year 2000 publication  LORD BO TIEN GUIDANCE and it will be obvious that there is material loss in the latter versions - the edited version and inner truth netizen 2 paraphrased version for Living Life Series. 

The paraphrased version can be assessed at  Lord Bo Tien's 1980 Anniversary Message. No wonder the lord saint at the end of 1983 anniversary message said that " Sam Chong had lost part of the Buddha's Dharma  in the river and the lost parts can be recovered If Heaven wanted these to be recovered." 

A number of the pointers given by the lord saint in his messages were somehow edited out as they were deemed inappropriate either deemed not correct or not understandable because the grasp and  understanding years ago were lacking. Thank Heaven that the historical versions were saved by Senior Brother Chong Sim in his draft book. He obtained nine years of the messages from Brother Peter Kong. Brother Peter had done a great meritorious job in handling to Chong Sim the photocopies of the original translated scripts of the messages.

He came down and blessed all four corners. He then stressed that our 12 years representing the full cycle of the clock. We had opened the door to the outside world and the phrase double dragon supporting pearl will come to pass.
He then stressed on His last year's message about a lone tree planted in a plot of land. Because of its survival due to the water that is beneath this tree had enabled it to survive and blossom in full bloom. The beautiful garden it had now created had given a feeling of pleasantness, harmony and serenity, once people stepped into this garden. The many grating towards this big tree had enabled other people to nourish its knowledge of survival.
Next Lord Bo Tien went on to interpret His posture as carved. The sceptre He is holding represent firmness and durability. The left hand in prayer represents smooth sailing in all matters, also signifies determined heart, and sincerity in prayers, we will be able to get what we want. As His Image is dressed in a general (uni)form, do not mistaken Him to be a fierce General. Because in His Image, there are also His Doctrines. The chair on which the Image sits on signifies comfort ability, in happy mood and steadiness. The armours He is wearing represent vitality, health and strength. The many colours of His Image represent the many races in this world. The two devils He stepped on represent the good and the bad in this world or the Yin and Yang forces of this world in which the mind is the main controller. In life we have to face these two forces once we are born, but once we are able to balance ourselves and walk the middle path, we will be able to control ourselves.
Boss (Lord Bo Tien) stressed that though this Image is important to us, it is important to Him, because it signifies such great importance in the facts of life and mission we are to carry out. Although the Image is made of wood, in 20 years time it will crack. This is not important, the important factor is that men will be able to grasp its significance and put it into practice. Thus there is no permanency in life. To live is suffering, but do not forget that after a storm there is a calm. There is sorrow, there is happiness. There is pain, there is joy. That is not important for the soul is the purest of them all. For our purpose in life is to care for our soul not the wealth and status we will attain during this lifetime.
He then ask us to carry out His Mission, to co-operate and help all those in need. Love others as you love yourself, then you will see the suffering of others. Put yourself in others shoes. Feel others' sorrow and pain as your own. If you had enough to eat and spare, give to the unfortunate, at least their days will be filled with joy. All religions are the same. Colours, races etc., do not bear any barriers in our Mission. The door is open and the march is on. Be prepared, for there will be many to come and follow our footsteps.

The following posts are related to the 1980 message

The Inaugural Message

Bo Tien Temple Outreach No 7

Below is the exact reproduction of  THE GOD'S KNOWLEDGE on page 3 of the book by Bo Tien Temple (Singapore) - LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE published on 6th September 2000. No attempt made to change the English or grammar. It is the inaugural message by Lord Bo Tien in Hokkien Chinese and was delivered  before 1974. Do compare with the corrected version that had been paraphrased for better world wide  outreach - Messages before 1974.
In His inaugural speech, Lord Bo Tien said,
"The prophets lay down certain rules and regulations to help the masses lead better lives and to incline them towards GOD. Gradually, these rules become the tenets of an organised religion, but the idealistic spirit and motive, which prevail during the founder's lifetime, disappear gradually after his death. That is why an organisation cannot bring spiritual truth nearer and why religion is a personal concern. Religious organisations become archaeological departments trying to discover the past. Therefore I shall not attempt to establish any new religion, cult or organisation But, I shall rejuvenate the religious thought of all peoples and instill a higher understanding of life into them. Dogmas laid centuries after the founder's death, frequently differ startlingly, but the fundamentals of all religions are really the same, because all originate from the same source - GOD.
Therefore when I appear publicly, I shall run down no existing religion, but I shall not uphold any special one. I want to turn man's mind away from sectarian differences, so that they will agree on essential truths.
Remember though that every prophet considers the times, the circumstances and the prevailing mentality of the people before his public sermons. he therefore preaches doctrines that are best suited to such conditions."

Related to the inaugural message is the following,

The inner truth that men have to grasp

Men and not God and saints create religions

When will men wake up and learn?

Let there be no 'prophets' of doom and gloom

Be what you are and yet make it 

Nothing is further from the truth and is that so?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

On the Mission (duplicated from series1)

Bo Tien Temple Outreach No 6

Duplicated from series1 On The Mission

Abridged version of article written by the late Senior Brother Chong Sim in book Lord Bo Tien's Guidance edited by Brother Peter Kong --- 6th Sept 2000. 

Synopsis: the three objectives, three thrusts and three cultivations for the Mission :

(A) What are the objectives of His Mission that is sanctioned by God Almighty?

There are three objectives.

(1) To let us know that there is God Almighty who created the Universe. As we and all form and formless lives are part of the universe he created, we are all interrelated to one another in one way or another. We must have that sense of universality to have love and respect for one another. Hence there is need for loving kindness that was a central theme of His messages especially the 1975 message which was most profound of all messages. - Revisit of 1975 message of Lord Bo Tien

(2) The next objective is with respect to physical realm. Men all over the world irrespective of race and creed are God's creation like all those in non-physical realms. This is the universality of mankind and is the basis of Lord Bo Tien's Four Pillars or Inner Truth Doctrine. The truth is that all religions in the four directions (four pillars) are different in ways but all have the same goal to bring beings to God. Clergies of various religions have been studying their religions to seek out more of the similarities and commonalities instead of the differences of religions. This meant that the doctrine of Lord Bo Tien is not new to them. But for the common folks in society, many think that his or her religion is the true one and they not others are treading the only true path. This is unfortunate and we must respect all religions especially the four main ones. There is need for wisdom to better handle points of differences between religions in more sensitive ways. Lord Bo Tien's purpose in mission is not to be distinctive from all religions by starting a new religion. There is no new religion but his objective is to show universality of all religions. There is need to bring together members of all religions to work as one in loving kindness and all are brethren under that one same God

(3) Last but not least is the principle of Divine Hope and Salvation for all beings mankind included. This is best phrased as "Jiu Ming Jiu Sze" - "Saving men and saving beings of all sentient realms". This is the most important objective of the Mission of Lord Bo Tien that is sanctioned by God Almighty.

The word "save" could be interpreted in many ways and include all:

(a) "save" the poor and desolate by providing food and relief from suffering from hunger

(b) "save" the sick by providing medical treatment and aids

(c) "save" those in sorrow and depression by counselling and support

(d) "save" those who are near the end of life and those already departed by offering spiritual refuge and prayers to facilitate better afterlife (e.g. rebirths)

(e) "save" all beings from eternal suffering due to their misled or misconceived ways and beliefs, by encouraging better insight and grasps of the truth of life that will bring salvation.


(B) The thrusts of the Mission are three fold:-

(1) To spread His doctrine far and wide like the ocean to many a land so that all who come to hear of it may understand and "turn good and the reward is theirs" (1976 message of Lord Bo Tien)

(2) To encourage cultivation of loving kindness and to carry out good deeds which can take many forms e.g. benevolence for others wrongs or differing views

(3) To learn the spiritual principles "tou-li," cultivate and practise the spiritual path or Tao so that they will be saved from suffering, life and death, rebirths and attain ultimate Divine Salvation.


(C) There is need for members of His Mission to equip themselves in three ways

(1) by striving to have good work attributes such as diligence, perseverance, faith, confidence, patience, benevolence and tolerance (Like a worker digging a well in solid ground would be tired and thirsty, and with patience water would be found and he would be able to quench his thirst)

(2) by self development and practice, by understanding thoroughly the doctrine so that they can be in the best position to spread the doctrine sensitively and with patience.

(3) by living the doctrine that is being embodiment of doctrine in life, temple or mission activities so that they can blend, complement and act harmoniously in unison like a concrete pillar for it is "united we stand, divided we fall." Remember that the Doctrine is the cohesive force of "cement".