Duplicated from series 2 A temple of Lord Bo Tien
In Lord Bo Tien's 1983
Anniversary Message, the
emissary of Lord Bo Tien said,
"The temple of the lord saint like most temples and
places of worship must be viewed in the proper helicopter perspective."
"The teachings deal with universal truth and if followed
will make life fruitful."
"But be mindful that a temple is not just a concrete
building or a shelter."
"A temple is the people. It is people who make up a
"As this temple like many others is a temple of Heaven,
the sky is the roof of the temple. Thus the lord saint honorific is Bo Tien with the word Tien. Tien is the sky or
(PS Inner truth netizen adds. 'Bo' in Chinese is best
translated as executor of 'Tien' Heaven. It is He who executes the Mission
of Heaven. Do note that He is but one of the many executor saints, many of whom
are the saints of religions and sects. His role is to explain the inner truth
underlying all religions and sects and not to start a new sect or
"Heaven is the roof for all beings. All men and beings
are sheltered, overseen and judged by Heaven. God and saints, not men, shall be
the final judge of men."
"A temple serves Heaven in its mission to save all souls under Heaven."
"Mission is not for man to serve men but for men to serve
Heaven in mission to save souls. This must be understood as the core basis of
"The Mission is the mission of Heaven and not the mission
of man."
truth netizen adds.
Worship Heaven and not man. Heaven not man is worthy of worship but saints do
come down to be amongst men.)
"If in a temple of the lord saint, the followers
cannot understand all these clearly and effectively (putting them into effect and practice), then
these doctrines and values should be returned to Heaven and be sent to many
other temples where others may be able to benefit."
If the past
era of 13 years teachings make no difference to the wisdom of the followers of that
temple, then they might as well be burnt to return them to